Webinar Prof. Cappuccio on "Dreyfus is Right: Knowledge-That Limits Your Skill"

Cappuccio - Dreyfus is Right

The students are adviced that on 26th January at 11:30 am (Italian hour) a webinar of prof. Massimiliano Cappuccio (University of New South Wales) will take place on Teams. Here the link: https://tinyurl.com/y3wftsu5 The webinar is entitled: "Dreyfus is Right: Knowledge-That Limits Your Skill". I remind that the attendance of the webinar is mandatory in order for the students enrolled in the MD in Cognitive science and Theory of communication to get one credit (CFU/ECTS). The attending students have also to write a report of 10.000 characters plus bibliography. Here below you find the flyer of the event.