Webinar prof. Francesco Bianchini on “Some remarks on the long-standing relationship between cognitive science and artificial intelligence”

Some remarks on the long-standing relationship between cognitive science and artificial intelligence

I am pleased to announce you that on 25th January at 4:00 p.m. (Italian hour) a webinar of prof. Francesco Bianchini (University of Bologna) on “Some remarks on the long-standing relationship between cognitive science and artificial intelligence” will take place on Teams (http://tinyurl.com/mrxk7h3m) within the cycle of scientific webinars for the MD in Cognitive science and Theory of communication. All interested students and teachers are invited to participate.

Here the abstract: Since the dawn of artificial intelligence (AI), the link with cognitive science, not yet officially born, has been implicit in the setting of ,at least, part of AI, both in terms of the research object and the methods and principles at the basis of AI. In this webinar I want to provide some food for thought on the Artificial Intelligence/Cognitive Science combination within the framework of the development of these two disciplines over the last fifty years, in order to show how cognitive science still has a lot to offer AI today, and vice versa .